Wednesday, 29 March, 2023

The Cool Reference Guide

20 Study Hacks to Improve Your Memory

study hacks 2020

We’ve scoured our brains and the web for the best research hacks to assist your mind in remembering information. Memory tricks can help you remember faster and more efficiently and can aid you in your examinations and your life.

1.  Walk Before An Exam

It’s been shown that exercise can boost your memory and mind power.  

2.  Speak Out Loud Rather Than Reading

Though this might make you seem a little mad, give it a try!  You’ll be amazed just how much more you can recall when you have said it out loud.   

3.  Reward Yourself With A Treat

There are several ways to incorporate a reward system into your habits so that you learn how to study for exams better.  

4.  Teach What You’ve Learned

The best way to check if you truly understand something is to attempt and teach it to somebody else.  If you can not get anybody to listen to you explain the Pythagorean Theorem, why don’t you teach a course of stuffed animals!

5.  Create Mental Associations

The ability to make connections isn’t just a more straightforward way to recall information, but it is the fuel of creativity and intellect.   Mind Maps are a simple way to link ideas by producing a visual summary of different connections.

6.  Draw Diagrams

Drawing diagrams can enable you to visualise information which would be tough to describe and produces a visual memory in your head which could be remembered in an examination.  

7.  The Fastest Font to Read?

Times New Roman! There is a reason why it is the default font on many programs.

8.  Use Apps to Block Distracting Sites

The SelfControl app can help you avoid distractions by blocking sites for some quantity of time.  

9.  See a Documentary 

Documentaries are an entertaining means of compacting a whole story into a brief timeframe which can allow you to remember key details from the story and you might even get additional credit for mentioning that you took the initiative and watched a film about the subject!

10.  Search Google Like a Guru 

Save time when exploring sources on the internet by mastering the largest search engine on the planet; Google.  

11.  Create Flashcards for Quick Memory Buzz

Quickly test your understanding of essential concepts, definitions, formulas and quotes with flashcards.  

12.  Take Regular Study Breaks

You want to take regular study breaks when your mind is working, to help your brain absorb more info but also to keep you motivated and focused when you’re working.  After 45-50 minutes of study, it’s best to take a break as your focus and concentration will become diminished following this period, anything new after 1 hour 30 minutes will not get assimilated.

13.  Listen to the Appropriate Type of Music

Right kinds of music can result in more productive studying by elevating your mood.  

14.  Make Your Study Space Mobile 

We have our favourite seats in the library, but when you switch the places where you learn, retention of information increases.

15.  Practice, Practice, Practice

Practising sample responses to past exam questions can help train your mind to retrieve information.   Create realistic, exam-like state and test your comprehension.

Our final bit of advice for those sitting exams is to remain positive.  It’s incredible how a positive attitude can affect your exam results or inspire you to finish which mission when all you need to do is go to bed!